If some one need archive log to extract on disk for various purpose (cloning/Apply to DR) then we can follow below mention steps. For example purpose I will extract required archive log in /usr/tmp location. If we do not mention location the archive will be extracted to default location i.e $IRACLE_HOME/dbs
Step 1. Connect to rman (Target or catalog)
rman target /
Step 2. Example to restore 10 archive log from logseq 112710 to 112720
set archivelog destination to '/usr/tmp';
restore archivelog from logseq=112710 until logseq=112720 thread 1;
Other examples:-
set archivelog destination to '/usr/tmp';
restore archivelog from logseq=112710 until logseq=112720 thread 1;
Other examples:-
1. Restore single archive log
set archivelog destination to '/usr/tmp';
restore archivelog from logseq=112710 thread 1;
set archivelog destination to '/usr/tmp';
restore archivelog from logseq=112710 thread 1;
2. Restore archive log in RAC environment
If we want to restore archive log from Node 2 RAC then user thread 2, or use thread 1 for Node 1.
set archivelog destination to '/usr/tmp';
restore archivelog from logseq=112710 until logseq=112720 thread 2;
set archivelog destination to '/usr/tmp';
restore archivelog from logseq=112710 until logseq=112720 thread 2;